Introducing STARmed America!

STARmed America is bringing STARmed Thermal Ablation technology closer to our physicians in North America. Explore our new website to find out more.

STARmed America

Clinical Evidence

Commitment to impactful evidence

The science behind evidence-based care

TaeWoong Medical supports the generation of high-quality clinical evidence through collaborative research initiatives. We work with clinicians, hospitals and medical societies to uncover the benefits of TaeWoong technology while maintaining a patient-centric mindset. Examining outcomes data helps generate evidence showing TaeWoong technology value to patients, physicians, and societies.

STARmed Thyroid RFA Clinical Evidence

STARmed technology is the most used device by Key Opinion Leaders around the world to develop procedure standards and establish clinical evidence through peer-reviewed clinical studies. More than 200 articles have been published with STARmed technology to prove the efficacy of this novel treatment in terms of volume reduction rate, symptom relief, cosmetic score and quality of life.

2020 European Thyroid Association Clinical Practice Guideline for the Use of Imaging-Guided Ablation in Benign Thyroid Nodules

European guidelines for the use of thermal ablation in adult patients

Complications Encountered in the Treatment of Benign Thyroid Nodules with US-guided Radiofrequency Ablation

Comparison between complications and treatment effects of conventional thyroidectomy and thyroid thermal ablation showed thyroid thermal ablation as the superior treatment option in terms of patient satisfaction, post-operative quality of life, and shorter hospital stay.

Technique and Procedure Aspects of Radiofrequency Ablation of Thyroid Nodules

Review of basic principles and technical details of thyroid RFA procedure. RFA showed promising results in TNs size reduction as well as cure of hyperthyroidism due to toxic nodules.

Laser Ablation Versus Radiofrequency Ablation for Thyroid Nodules

12-month results of a randomized trial showed RFA persistently achieved a larger VRR than LA at 1-year after treatment, despite the similar technical success rates in both groups.

Endoscopic RFA Clinical Evidence

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a well-established treatment for several benign, premalignant, and malignant disorders. Although the role of RFA has been clearly defined, new indications and applications for  endoscopic RFA guided  therapies have emerged. RFA has produced promising outcomes in patients with a variety of biliary and pancreatic indications.

EUS-guided radiofrequency ablation of small pancreatic adenocarcinoma

A new therapeutic option for patients unfit for surgery

Endobiliary radiofrequency ablation for distal extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

A clinicopathological study to evaluate the actual EB-RFA ablation volume and validated the clinical feasibility of preoperative endobiliary radiofrequency ablation (EB-RFA) for resectable distal extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

Feasibility and Safety of Endoluminal Radiofrequency Ablation as a Rescue Treatment for Bilateral Metal Stent Obstruction Due to Tumor Ingrowth in the Hilum

A pilot study aimed to examine the feasibility and safety of endoluminal RFA for occluded bilateral hilar metal stents due to tumor ingrowth in patients with malignant hilar bile duct. obstruction

Therapeutic EUS

Outcomes of EUS-RFA in benign solid pancreatic tumors, pancreas cystic lesions and  pancreatic cancer.