Endoscopic RFA

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a well-established treatment for several benign, premalignant, and malignant disorders. Although the role of RFA has been clearly defined, new indications for luminal and extraluminal applications of endoscopic RFA-directed therapies have emerged. RFA has recently produced promising results in patients with a variety of gastrointestinal and hepatopancreatobiliary pathologies. For example, endoscopic RFA has been used to treat patients with gastric antral vascular ectasia, chronic radiation proctitis, malignant biliary strictures, and ampullary adenomas with intraductal extension. Furthermore, endoscopic ultrasound-guided RFA appears to be an effective, minimally invasive treatment for ablation of solid and cystic lesions—particularly in the pancreas. We review the newer indications for RFA and discuss potential limitations of endoscopic RFA.

Endoscopic RFA

Endoscopic RFA is an upcoming treatment modality in early esophageal squamous intra-epithelial neoplasia, as well as in gastric, rectal, and biliary diseases.

EUSRA™ Endoscopic Ultrasound Guided RFA

EUS-RFA represents a less invasive alternative to operative resection of pancreatic insulinomas in nonsurgical candidates. The successful treatment of a symptomatic insulinoma with the EUSRA device is newly available in the United States.

ELRA™ Endobiliary RFA

The ELRA Electrode is designed to ablate tissue in the biliary tract and able to clear obstructions and tumor growth. ELRA offers a safe and effective way to perform biliary RFA.

The ELRA Electrode is a radiofrequency (RF) catheter that provides bipolar energy to perform partial or complete ablation of tissue in the pancreatic and biliary tracts. The specialized VIVA Combo generator’s Impedance Monitoring System manages the consistent temperature of the ablation zone to ensure the prevention of the over-application of energy. The various lengths (11mm, 18mm, 22mm, and 33mm) for the different anatomy and geometry of the stricture provide flexible options.

Endoscopic RFA Webinars

Innovative and exciting new Endoscopic RFA webinars brought to you by TaeWoong Medical USA.